Thursday, March 29, 2007

Respond: David Gans' What is the value of the life of an organism...
ratios are very important. but you shouldnt be kicking pidgeons. I dont think you could anyway.
In my views, nothing is truly "equal". Everyone is an individual, so they should be valued individually. Would you not take a perfectly healthy child over a crippled old lady on the verge of death? Certainly some choices will come harder than others, but the ratio cant be 1:1 for everything or even everyone.Take the poisonwood bible. Adah asked Orleanna why she chose her to go on the boat in Exodus. Orleanna's response was that she was the youngest. A mother will choose her youngest child. Why? I dont know. but she did, in both instances where it was neccessary.
It all depends on you and how you value things.

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