Tuesday, May 1, 2007


bleh. i like music.
and umm. movies.
and umm. artsy things.


Caitlin said...

Nice. My favorite post, thanks. That's very nice of you to log on just to leave me messages. You don't seem like the kind of person who has aim, but do you?

Why did you go to Makaha? Randomly?

Caitlin said...

Cool. I just might IM you sum time.

Mostly our hw for english is blog posts, so yeah, thats why I post so much. English is cool though...

Math is getting easier, now that we are starting trig..o yeah, and I think we are learning the same stuff as alg2/trig ppl now, like you. pretty awesome.

i HATE spanish "multis"...if you know wht those are...

medieval is interesting. i am attempting to make a bow and arrow right now for my final. what'd you make?

grrr. i've got a biotest tomorrow which is going to go preetty bad

...then there is band. BORING.

hmm. lol. hope you make it through reading this looonnnggg comment. :)so how're your classes?

Caitlin said...

Nah, I'm not in honors bio. So its been pretty easy. Chem Honors next year though...yeah, I heard the same thing about it being easy.

Not Asian Year, just semester. That way I can take band and foundation art next year.

Summer school for you? Or drivers ed or sumthin?

Caitlin said...

why do you say that? About photo?

I probably won't be able to take photo unless I quit band.

BTW, you don't have to log on just to leave me messages since its summer and all. But i might come on anyways and make random posts... just cause i'm cool like that. Haha.

Caitlin said...

ooops..i posted this on my blog first instead of yours :)

yes im happy freshman year is over!
finals went surprisingly ok

get a facebook, so i can talk to you on there. i don't know how often ill check here

Caitlin said...

sounds like a plan.
i didn't think i was really a myspace/facebook person either, but
i got one so i could talk to my friends if i needed to.